

Windows Phone Power Tools

2021年9月9日 — Windows Phone Power Tools wrap the SDK XAP deployer for a more user friendly experience. Requires the Windows Phone SDK to be installed.

Download Windows Device Recovery Tool (WDRT)


Windows Phone Developer Tools

Windows Phone Developer Tools is a set of tools for creating and testing software products for Windows Phone platforms. The tools from the set are free.

Windows Device Recovery Tool Download

2024年5月17日 — This tool will work on Alcatel, BLU, HTC, Lumia, NEO, VAIO, Acer and Yezz phones with only one condition: to run a Windows phone OS, but no ...

Windows Phone Support Tool

2015年4月2日 — Windows Phone Support Tool is a free utility from Microsoft which facilitates recover of your phone's firmware and normal functionality. This ...

Windows Phone開發人員工具正式版出爐

微軟周四(9/16)釋出Windows Phone開發人員工具正式版,該工具套件包含了開發Windows Phone 7應用程式所需的各種軟體及控制器,同時微軟亦首度提供允許開發人員在應用 ...

常用Windows Phone 下載

Windows Phone Software Development Kit (SDK) 8.0 提供您開發Windows Phone 8 和Windows Phone 7.5 應用程式和遊戲所需要的工具。 02. Windows Phone 7 Connector (for ...

Windows Phone Power Tools [StandAlone offline] For Easy ...

2014年3月3日 — Senior Member · 1. Download attach zip and Extract. 149wm69.jpg · 2. Run WindowsPhonePowerTools.exe · 3. Connect Your windows Phone...Make sure ...

Windows Phone

微軟已發布了針對傳統桌面下的最新同步工具,名字也叫做:Windows Phone。條件:PC運行Windows 7,Windows 8作業系統,只支援Windows Phone 8裝置。同時,Windows Phone ...